28 Jan

As transiting planets (Sun/Saturn/Jupiter/Mercury) are assembling in the freedom-loving Aquarius and squaring Mars/Uranus in Taurus, be prepared for the unexpected. Full Moon in Leo (AKA Wolf Moon) enters the game on January 28 at 2:16 p.m., sending us a signal to release our wild creative potential.

The name Wolf Moon came to us from Native Americans who observed hungry wolves howling at the Moon outside their camps around the same time of year as this phenomenon. Leo Moon has the emotional nature of a child; it requires undivided attention and constant praise. Aquarian spirit, on the other hand, has noble agenda to serve humanity. Rebellious, unpredictable, it pushes us for innovative self-expression. When beginning to drown in the stream of new ideas, beware of overloading your nervous system. It is common for people during this period to suffer from panic attacks and insomnia. Be gentle and kind to people around you, but do not forget to practice self-care.

On Sunday, January 24, the tens of thousands of Russian citizens from Moscow to Yakutsk took to the streets in protest, demanding that jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny be freed.

 As someone who grew up under the Soviet regime, it is still shocking to see such a display of support for a highly controversial political leader. The soviet morals dictated us to subordinate individual freedom for the good of society. Social disobedience meant death or incarceration in a mental hospital at best. So, I keep asking myself why these insane Russians are risking their life going to the streets in brutal sub-zero temperatures during the COVID epidemic chanting – "Putin – thief," "free Navalny"?

(The signs are saying in Russian - "one for all and all for one")

From pictures and videos, it appears that most of the protestors grew up in a post-soviet era and fear of the iron curtain is just a distant memory. Or maybe they have a different moral compass and want to make a statement that individual lives matter – one for all and all for one? 

I believe that drama will escalate further during the full Moon as transiting planets align with the Russian natal chart, passing through the natal Moon at 5 Aquarius and Nodal Axis at 8 Leo/Aquarius.

(In the mundane (national) chart, Moon represents ordinary people and Nodal Axis national destiny)

Sabian symbol for January 28, 2021, is - Aquarius 9.

 A flag turned into an eagle. Keywords: representation, ideas become actions, groups, to promote an idea or to create a group.

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