12 Jan

Today is a very unusual day when the New Moon in Capricorn aligns with the celebration of "old New Year." What is "old New Year," some sort of an oxymoron? The Old New Year or the Orthodox New Year is an informal, traditional holiday, celebrated as the start of the New Year by the Julian calendar. This holiday was and still is very popular in former Soviet Republics. As a matter of fact, tradition dictates not to take down the Christmas tree until then. Of course, growing up in USSR, we didn't have a Christmas tree, but instead, we had New Year's tree (Новогодняя Ёлка), which is honestly the same thing with a different spelling. 

This New Moon is extraordinary for me because I am also beginning a new endeavor, and I will honor it by creating a New Beginning crystal grid. Since I was a teenager, I was always fascinated with crystals; I received them as a gift from my dad on a few occasions. As a professional surveyor, he had an in-depth understanding of the Earth grid and a mysterious ability to navigate anywhere, either cityscape or wilderness, without referencing maps or compass; but this is another story.

But back to crystals. I had been collecting crystals for years but never did much with them except admired their physical beauty. However, in recent months, I started experimenting with energy work, looking for ways to remediate challenging planetary placements, including my own Jupiter in Capricorn, which brought me to the idea of integrating my astrological and crystal energy work. After watching hundreds of u-tube videos, I am awakening to the idea that working with crystals will be a new way (at least for me) to bridge science and spirituality. So, for the last few weeks, I have been collecting all the necessary tools to begin a new journey into the magnificent world of healing crystals. Finally, today I started a cleansing ritual by completely submerging my stones in salt water for several hours. I am also planning to use a quartz charging plate. See photos below. 

For my project, I am using 13 crystals as 13 is a lunar energy number related to the Moon's cycles.

(All recommendations came from Crystal Healing Blog. Thank you, Ethan Lazzerini!)

1 Medium Clear Quartz Tower

3 Moonstone Tumble Stones 

3 Labradorite Tumble Stones

 3 Smoky Quartz Tumble Stones (substitute for Smoky Quartz points) 

3 Clear Quartz points 

Tomorrow I am looking forward to programming my stones and assembling the grid. Stay tuned! 

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